Our Services

Commission Paintings

Create and order a custom, personalized painting, with acrylic paint and mixed media on any size canvas. Choose a theme or an occasion – from photos or just ideas to a hand painted, collaged, unique masterpiece. Customers include interior designers, wedding planners, corporate companies or private entities.

40 in x 30 in x 1.5 in
(101.6 com x 76.2 cm x 3.81 cm)

48 in x 48 in x 1.5 in
(121.92 cm x 121.92 cm x 3.81 cm)

Corporate and Commercial Work

Custom paintings that conform to the client’s business and corporate brand and identity. Usually large scale paintings or murals. Our clients can procure anywhere from a single art piece, to a multi-piece installation and / or to develop an entire long-term art exhibit in your companies space.


Live Art Performance Events

Live event painting is a visual performance art form through which the artist creates a unique masterpiece live in front of an audience, customized to the event theme and client-branding. Usually a large scale canvas is put together by 20 -100 smaller canvases. Once the unique painting is finished it can be disassembled and each guest can take home a small piece/canvas of the masterpiece wrapped and boxed.

Wedding Live Performance Art
56 canvases assembled to one piece.

Please use our contact page to leave your custom artwork request, and we will set an appointment for a call or meeting to discuss your unique work of art.