Our Services
Commission Paintings
Create and order a custom, personalized painting, with acrylic paint and mixed media on any size canvas. Choose a theme or an occasion – from photos or just ideas to a hand painted, collaged, unique masterpiece. Customers include interior designers, wedding planners, corporate companies or private entities.
40 in x 30 in x 1.5 in
(101.6 com x 76.2 cm x 3.81 cm)
48 in x 48 in x 1.5 in
(121.92 cm x 121.92 cm x 3.81 cm)
Corporate and Commercial Work
Custom paintings that conform to the client’s business and corporate brand and identity. Usually large scale paintings or murals. Our clients can procure anywhere from a single art piece, to a multi-piece installation and / or to develop an entire long-term art exhibit in your companies space.
Live Art Performance Events
Live event painting is a visual performance art form through which the artist creates a unique masterpiece live in front of an audience, customized to the event theme and client-branding. Usually a large scale canvas is put together by 20 -100 smaller canvases. Once the unique painting is finished it can be disassembled and each guest can take home a small piece/canvas of the masterpiece wrapped and boxed.